Contact Us

Get in touch today

Let us know how we can help and we'll be in touch.

How we do business

Our aim is to provide a service that is tailored to your needs and desires and exceeds expectations. Although we do sell pieces that we make or upcycle on our own initiative, we mainly work on your commissions. So, the first step in the process is always for you to get in touch; by either emailing us or giving us a call.

Now getting in touch with some outfit that you haven’t dealt with before may be a bit daunting, but we hope it won’t be. One of the reasons for putting the website together is to try and communicate who we are, what we are about, and our values. There is no corporate stuff and mission statements, just pictures and stories. So, please drop us an email, or give us a call. We like a chat and if we can help then great. But if we can’t then we may be able to help you find someone you can.

Whether you are interested in having something renovated, made or upcycled we will always give you a written quote. The quote will set out what you are looking for, any constraints, what colours or finish you are after, what we are going to do, when you want it by, delivery details etc. Importantly, we set out the cost options. We aim never to be big enough to be VAT registered so we won’t be charging VAT.

Once you are happy with the quote, we ask you confirm that by email. Once we have an agreement and that is the green light for us to get cracking! A lot of our commissions are under £500. If, however, the value of the piece of work is more than £500 we ask for 50% up front and the balance on completion. If it under £500 then we just invoice on completion.

We don’t take card payments or Paypal as we would prefer to give a donation to Thames Valley Air Ambulance and not to the banks. Bank transfers via online banking and banking apps, or cash for small stuff, is the way to go. Mobile apps make this super easy!

Well, that’s about it. Very easy, very simple, very friendly!