What Can We Do For You?

Put simply we do three things. We restore, we upcycle, and we create. We also teach a bit. Let’s take a look at each.





What can you do for us?

Well, where do we start! I will keep the list short. If you have wooden furniture or interesting wooden stuff you don’t want any more and have earmarked it for the council tip or charity shop, think of us. We can’t take everything, but we would be interested to have a look and see if we could take it off your hands and breathe new life into it. A better option than landfill.

If you are also in the restoration business and are relatively local, we would love to chat. We are a small local business and very humble in our ambitions and abilities. So, developing a network of like-minded people who offer different skills to the mix is not only stimulating but essential to offering our customers great solutions. For example, we would love to develop a relationship with someone who can re-cane chairs.

Get in touch today

Let us know how we can help and we'll be in touch.